Where the Commission lays down a requirement that certain goods shall be subject to surveillance at release for free circulation or at export, it shall inform the customs authorities of the CN codes of those goods and of the data necessary for the purposes of the surveillance, in due time before the surveillance requirement becomes applicable. The Commission and the Member States shall conclude operational agreements laying down the practical requirements for the availability and performance of the electronic systems as well as for business continuity. Where those effects have yet to be applied to the text of the legislation by the editorial team they are also listed alongside the legislation in the affected provisions. However, the competent authorities of beneficiary countries may also issue a certificate of origin Form A after exportation of the products to which it relates, if: Uniform application has also to be provided in repayment or remission cases where export or destruction has taken place without customs supervision. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, where the applicable preferential arrangement does not specify the value threshold up to which an exporter who is not a registered exporter may complete a document on origin, the value threshold shall be EUR 6 for each consignment.
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All beneficiary countries shall apply the registered exporter system as of 30 June at the latest. The importer of the compensating or replacement products shall present the original of the information sheet INF 2 and, where appropriate, the means of identification to the office of discharge.
Verification of the certificates of origin referred to in Article 57 of this Regulation shall be carried out in accordance with this Article after the ijf3 of the customs declaration subsequent verification.
Where the applicant is not a natural person, the criterion laid down in Article 39 dolument of the Code shall be considered to be fulfilled where, over the last 3 years, none of the following persons has committed a serious infringement or repeated infringements of customs legislation and taxation rules or has had a record of serious criminal offences relating to his economic activity: The application shall be made using the form set out in Annex The original and one copy of information sheet INF 3 shall be returned to the exporter for presentation at the customs office of reimportation.
Completion of boxes 2 and 10 of the certificate of origin Form A shall be optional.
– – OTIF – Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail
The re-consignor shall indicate in his request whether a photocopy of the initial proof of origin is to be annexed to the replacement certificate. Evidence that the conditions set out in paragraph 2 have been fulfilled shall be supplied to the customs authorities of the importing State by the production of: Exporters and registered exporters shall comply with the following obligations: Where on an allocation day, the sum of quantities of all requests to benefit from a tariff quota which relate to declarations accepted on the same date are greater than the remaining balance of the tariff quota, the Commission shall allocate quantities in respect of those requests on a pro rata basis with respect to the requested quantities.
A proof of origin shall be valid for 10 months from the date of issue in the exporting country and shall be submitted within the said period to the customs authorities of the importing country. Proposal transmitted by Belgium. Quantities under tariff quotas may not be allocated earlier than on the second working day after the date of acceptance of the customs declaration in which the declarant made the request to benefit from the tariff quota.
The customs authorities may withdraw the authorisation at any time. The replacement document on origin referred to in paragraph 1 may be issued for, or made out by, any of the following, in the same form as the initial document on origin or in the form of a replacement statement on origin, drawn up mutatis mutandis in accordance with Article and Annex Proposal transmitted by the Secretariat.
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Where a declarant requests preferential treatment under the GSP scheme, he shall make reference to the statement on origin in the customs declaration for release for free circulation.
The customs authorities of the Member State of importation shall refuse to grant tariff preferences, without being obliged to request any additional evidence or send a request for verification to the beneficiary country where: Imports shall not be considered as imports by way of trade if all the following conditions are met: The customs office of reimportation shall record on the original and on the copy of information sheet INF 3 the quantity of returned goods exempted from import duties, retaining the original and sending the copy, bearing the odkument number and the date of declaration for free circulation, to the customs authorities which issued it.
Where an exporter is unable to present an information certificate INF 4 within four months of the request of the customs authorities of the State where the proof of the originating status is issued or made out, these authorities may directly ask the customs authorities of the State in which the supplier is established to confirm the originating status of the products concerned in respect of the rules of origin provided for in the preferential trade agreements dokumeng. Transitional measures concerning revised tank codes for toxic by inhalation substances Proposal transmitted by France INF.
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Such rules should facilitate the movement of products not yet released for free circulation elsewhere within the customs territory of the Union or, where applicable, to Norway, Switzerland or Turkey, once that country fulfils certain conditions. Home Import, export and customs for businesses.
The Member States shall inform each other, the Commission and, where appropriate, the economic operator concerned of all actual or suspected breaches of security of the electronic systems. Information shall be made available through that system by the competent customs authority whenever new EORI numbers do,ument assigned or there are changes to data stored in respect of registrations already issued. A long-term supplier's declaration dkument be made out for consignments dispatched during a period of time and shall state three dates: Decisions taken by the 93 rd session of WP.
Please tell us what format you need. Customs controls dokiment formalities applicable to the baggage of persons on board pleasure craft shall be carried out at all ports of call in the Union, whatever the origin or destination of the craft.
The customs authorities of the State, which must provide the information or dokumejt requires it, may request a translation of the information set out in the documents presented to them into the official language or languages of that State.
Such stamp may be pre-printed on the forms.
EUR-Lex Juurdepääs Euroopa Liidu õigusaktidele
The customs authorities shall refuse exporters who do not offer all the guarantees which they consider necessary the authorisation referred to in paragraph 2.
Following the same reasoning, procedures for the registration of exporters outside of the GSP framework should also be provided for. Operational agreements referred to in paragraph 1 inc3 in particular lay down appropriate response time for the exchange and processing of information in the relevant electronic systems.
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